Connecting with each of my contacts, friends, connections, and followers

Without question, the relationships I have forged in my life are one of my strongest assets.  I’m going to reengage with each of them, personally.

Today, I have:

1,393 Contacts in my phone

1,046 Facebook Friends

96 Twitter Followers

326 Linkedin Connections

Granted, I may not have personally met with each of them.  Some of those contacts are friends of friends or leads that never resulted in a larger relationship, but I believe I’ll be able to connect on some level with every one.

I am not sure how many I can do a day or how long it will take, but I suppose we’ll see.  I am also unclear on how best to manage my connecting with folks.  Perhaps a note in their file within gmail contacts, but I’m not completely sure.  More on that as I move forward.

I am curious as to how I might be able to serve, create, and discuss with each of them. What will come of it?  What opportunity is poised to be set free? What if I am reminded I never returned the salad bowl and have to ante up?

I’m excited!

The format will be simple:


Hey {first name}! Remember that time {unique, personal thought or life intersection}??  I hope all is well 🙂



The connection might be longer, but not shorter.

Stay close.

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