Five Points – 7

Groundwater and Regolith of Fairview, TN —

The deep freeze that hit the US over the last few weeks has had me play hour by hour water input v output musical chairs.  My home gets it’s water from a spring on the property, which gravity feeds a 500 gallon cistern, which is finally pumped into the house.  After fixing the busted pipes as a result of the freeze, I had to be sure to keep the faucets running in the house to insure they didn’t freeze again, however it had to be less water output than what was being fed from the spring into the cistern, such that the pump wouldn’t burn up.  Of course, the spring rate would be changing, as more ice built up around it.  It was a delightful game that spanned all hours of the day and night for right at 12 days.

My curiosity of rates and source and contents led me to a fascinating study from the United States Department of the Interior, Tennessee Department of Conservation, and the City of Fairview.

Nuggets like this are all over the study:

The Warsaw Formation caps the hills and ridges in the Fairview area. In some places the thickness of weathered and unweathered Warsaw is as much as 120 feet. Almost everywhere, it is partly or completely weathered to dense clay regolith (soil and weathered rock) with angular blocks of porous limestone or dolomite composed of fossil fragments replaced by silica. The regolith is yellowish to reddish brown. Where unweathered, the Warsaw Formation occurs in thick beds and is limestone or limestone partly replaced with quartz which is composed of sand-sized fragments of fossils. The unweathered rock is light gray.

What was Black Beard reading? – 

Being from North Carolina and having an obsession with the sea, one wouldn’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out that I might be keen on Blackbeard.  A few years ago scientists found his ship, The Queen Anne’s Revenge, and have been studying it to learn more about the period and man himself.

Inside one of the cannons they found paper scraps completely preserved, which is remarkable, given they’d been underwater for over 300 years.  One may presume that this paper came from a book the pirate enjoyed at some time.

Casting a $20 Million Mirror [VIDEO] –

The Giant Magellan Telescope will be the world’s largest when complete.  Learning how the mirrors are cast is pretty cool.

Amazon should seriously consider Nashville – is considering a second headquarters outside Seattle.  I think they should choose Nashville, TN.  I frowned when I didn’t us on this short list –

Dear Jeff and the rest of my friends working hard over at Amazon, please give Nashville a solid look when considering H2.

Listed below are a few of the reasons why I believe Greater Nashville should be at the top of your list.

– Low cost of living compared to the rest of the country
– Central geographic location, weighted for population density on the east coast
– Weather in central Tennessee allows for more flights than any other region in the country, which is why FedEx is headquartered in Memphis, making it the busiest freight airport in the world
– Given FedEx is so close, the staff and logistics foundation are already well in place to support Amazon
– Nashville is easily one of the most cultural cities in the South (i.e. music)
– Tennessee is the 4th fastest growing states in the union
– No state personal income tax for employees, meaning Amazon staff will receive more pay at less expense to the company

Feel free to call me if you have any questions or if I can help at all.




What’s on the radio – 

There is something spellbinding about a beautiful Spanish woman singing like a bird..

Bebe – Siempre me quedará