Kinetic Sculpture
Howdy Friend,
I have always enjoyed building things, working with my hands.
I am working on a project that is on
I like tasks that are born from problems that push me to the edge. Complex, with many variables, high stakes, and requiring thought from diverse fields. I feel like I grow as I solve these.
I like mundane tasks that are repetitive and often monotonous, too. These make my brain quiet and allow me to rest. They also present an opportunity to practice patience and commitment, as the fun stuff isn’t allowed to be appreciated without the drudgery and I know it.
A Moveable Feast is both and is going to kick ass!
Ernest Hemingway wrote A Moveable Feast about his experience in Paris in the 1920’s. “This is how Paris was in the early days when we were very poor and very happy.” In it, he recalls how every cafe were a buffet of most interesting tales from even more fascinating people. “If the reader prefers, this book may be regarded as fiction”, yet the stories are a memoir of his time there. Paris in the 1920’s!!
We hope to recreate the essence of those glory days aboard a most interesting and unique machine.
My friend Dan Busby, Head Chef for Dinner, certainly belongs in the fascinating people department and I was stoked when he invited me to help build this carnival of metal. A handful of other really cool cats are lending a hand, too, so it’s a lot of fun to get together to figure it all out. Head scratching and laughs abound.
Our concept is simple: Create an art bike that we can pedal around while enjoying a feast. The seats must be comfortable and the table wide enough that our legs and drivetrain can fit underneath. We’ve got a lot of details to hammer out, but we’re making some great progress. We’ll decorate the table with the finest china, ornate chafing dishes, and goblets of wine, and we’ll dine in style. A meal upon the Moveable Feast will never be mundane.

The wheels are completely done. The steering and transmission have been acquired. The final design is making it was to paper.
Building an art bike is expensive. It will probably cost in excess of $4,000 by the time its done and Dan is putting up half out of his own pocket.
Would you be willing to make a small donation toward our project?
Our goal is $2,000. We’ve already raised $1,800 as of this writing and we have over 6 weeks left on our drive. We don’t have to stop at $2K though. What’s cool is that for every bit of cash we raise over our goal means that we get to add extra cool stuff. Think tall candle sticks, doilies, top hats all around, and sound…of course, sound. Massive, beautiful sound!
You get cool stuff when you make a donation, too. A couple of my favorites are $10+ a copy of the recipe book we are writing of meals that will be feasted upon, $40+ a signed copy of Hemingway’s book signed by the builders of the contraption, or $400+ a ride anywhere in Los Angeles with 6 of your friends with dinner served..Hollywood? Downtown? A sunset ride along the boardwalk in Venice?
Here’s a link to our Kickstarter page
Thanks for giving my project a look. I hope you’re smiling.
Talk soon,
ps – Real big thanks goes to Syyn Labs for offering space to build, Aaron Industrial Recycling and Aaron Blatt for donating the aluminum rims and various metal, a cool old salt in North Ridge for a good deal on a golf cart and some spare parts, and everyone who has lent a hand or thrown a few bucks toward our cause! Thank you so much!
pps – If you want to help, you can make a small donation. Even $1 helps out
pps – Did you notice that we’re going to get doilies if we exceed our goal? That makes me so happy.
Aaron Loring Davis